Results for 'Rafael Lira Gomes Bastos'

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  1.  32
    The Disputes Regarding Meanings of the Homosexual Male Body Characterized as Bear: An Example of Dialogic Analysis.Rafael Lira Gomes Bastos - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (4):35-56.
    RESUMO Este artigo analisa as disputas de sentido envolvendo o corpo homossexual masculino caracterizado como urso. Considerando o aporte teórico-metodológico da Análise Dialógica do Discurso, foi analisada uma postagem com três sequências de comentários que tematizavam o corpo urso em um grupo da rede social Facebook. A análise revelou que o centro da disputa de sentidos nos enunciados se detém em duas valorações distintas: (i) o urso identificado como um corpo gordo e peludo e (ii) o urso identificado como um (...)
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    Context Matters: Teaching Styles and Basic Psychological Needs Predicting Flourishing and Perfectionism in University Music Students.Dora Herrera, Lennia Matos, Rafael Gargurevich, Benjamín Lira & Rafael Valenzuela - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Professional musicians are expected to perform at a very high level of proficiency. Many times, this high standard is associated with perfectionism, which has been shown to prompt both adaptive and maladaptive motivational dynamics and outcomes among music students. The question about how perfectionism interplays with motivational dynamics in music students is still unanswered and research within this line is scarce, especially in Latin America. In the light of Self-Determination Theory, this cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between the perceptions of (...)
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    Formação Do Estado Democrático de Direito e as Deformações a Partir Das Fake News.Pedro Ygor Café Paes Lira, Diego Henrique Barros Melo, Paulo Ricardo Silva Lima, Ana Lydia Vasco de Albuquerque Peixoto, Antônio Tancredo P. da Silva, Anderson de Alencar Menezes & Vitor Gomes da Silva - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:14-37.
    A evolução dos meios de comunicação propiciou um massivo fluxo informacional, trazendo consigo alguns entraves. O fenômeno das fake news é produto dessa mudança na sociedade, afetando de diversas formas a vida das pessoas e inclusive a possibilidade de uma escolha plena e livre de influências, sua liberdade de expressão, pensamento e informação. Nesse contexto, este evento se torna gravoso para o nosso Estado Democrático, na medida que influencia o comportamento, as escolhas políticas, a conduta social e a solidez da (...)
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    “Esoterismo” e Conhecimento Em Plotino.Rafael Vieira Gomes - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (7):134-149.
    Diferentemente dos diálogos de Platão, considerados “exotéricos”, ou seja, escritos para o público exterior à Academia, os escritos de Plotino, segundo o depoimento de Porfírio, parecem ser apenas para alguns. Se buscarmos compreender as razões internas em seu pensamento para que sua filosofia e seus textos sejam direcionados para um público interno selecionado e reduzido, encontraremos alguns princípios fundamentais que estão intimamente relacionados com a sua concepção de conhecimento e filosofia. O “verdadeiro conhecimento”, aquele do qual dependem todos os outros, (...)
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    Nietzsche e a Crítica Historiográfica: Uma Análise Partir Do Romantismo de Michel Lowy e Robert Sayre.Rafael Gomes Nogueira Pereira - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):391-416.
    O presente ensaio tem por objetivo analisar a crítica de Nietzsche a historiografia moderna a partir da definição de romantismo proposta por Michel Lowy e Robert Sayre. Deste modo, intentamos compreender a crítica nietzschiana à História como um movimento de combate à própria modernidade, tomando a tragédia grega como o caminho para combater o historicismo e os problemas desencadeados pela doença histórica.
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    Quality of Life, Depression, Anxiety Symptoms and Mood State of Wheelchair Athletes and Non-athletes: A Preliminary Study.Rodrigo Luiz Vancini, Andressa Amato Gomes, Hudson de Paula-Oliveira, Claudio de Lira, Weverton Rufo-Tavares, Marilia Santos Andrade, Karine Jacon Sarro, Martoni Moreira Sampaio, Ricardo Borges Viana, Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis, Thomas Rosemann & Beat Knechtle - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Using ontologies for eLearning personalization.Paulo Gomes, Bruno Antunes, Luis Rodrigues, Arnaldo Santos, Jacinto Barbeira & Rafael Carvalho - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):127.
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    Autoridade doutrinal de santo Tomás: De 1274 a 1878 – Santiago Ramírez, O.p.Rafael Martins de Oliveira Mendes Gomes - 2015 - Synesis 7 (1):159-186.
    A tradução que ora se apresenta é a primeira parte do estudo do neotomista espanhol Santiago Maria Ramírez, O.P., o qual versa sobre o valor doutrinal da obra de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Para o que, distingue a autoridade científica da autoridade canônica, dependente esta exclusivamente do reconhecimento eclesiástico, apresentando os testemunhos históricos e documentais desde sua morte até o pontificado de Leão XIII, exclusive.
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    Revisiting “The Malicious Serpent”: Phylogenetically Threatening Stimulus Marked in the Human Brain.Luiz Biondi, Nuno Gomes, Rafael S. Maior & Sandra C. Soares - forthcoming - Emotion Review.
    Twenty years ago, Öhman and Mineka's publication “The Malicious Serpent” emphasized the selective pressure ancestral reptiles would have on early mammals’ visual system, specifically the development of a set of subcortical structures that would provide snake-like images privileged access to the amygdala. This process would occur automatically and allows for quick defensive reactions. Based on criticisms directed to the snake detection research, we created five questions that guided the discussion in this review. Evidence suggests the existence of a set of (...)
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  10. Quantum Control in Foundational Experiments.Lucas C. Céleri, Rafael M. Gomes, Radu Ionicioiu, Thomas Jennewein, Robert B. Mann & Daniel R. Terno - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):576-587.
    We describe a new class of experiments designed to probe the foundations of quantum mechanics. Using quantum controlling devices, we show how to attain a freedom in temporal ordering of the control and detection of various phenomena. We consider wave–particle duality in the context of quantum-controlled and the entanglement-assisted delayed-choice experiments. Then we discuss a quantum-controlled CHSH experiment and measurement of photon’s transversal position and momentum in a single set-up.
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    Dispositivos de atenção psicossocial no Brasil e gestão pela liberdade: breves relatos históricos das práticas relacionadas à saúde mental.Marcus Vinícius do Amaral Gama Santos, Higor Theobald Seabra da Cruz, Laura Petrenko Dória, Bárbara Victor Souza, Letícia Gomes Canuto, Mateus dos Santos Martins, Rafael de Souza Lima & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):75-91.
    The main objective of this work is to understand the daily practices of user management in post-reformist devices in the Brazilian mental health field. Through Foucault's genealogical work on government practices, understood as forms of conducting the behavior of others, it is possible to open a possible field for the study of the practices of psi knowledge, considering them as forms of management that act by through the free and natural acts of individuals. More specifically, our goal is to examine (...)
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    O problema da objetividade jornalística: duas perspectivas.Rafael Paes Henriques - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):256-268.
    Como valor fundamental da atividade, a objetividade jornalística já foi investigada conceitualmente por diversos estudos acadêmicos cujos resultados, apesar de publicados em livros e revistas da área, não alteraram a maneira como consumidores de informação, jornalistas e até mesmo professores de jornalismo entendem filosoficamente a objetividade e, consequentemente, a sua aplicação nas rotinas e procedimentos da prática jornalística. Este artigo tem o objetivo de realizar a revisão bibliográfica de dois importantes trabalhos de autores brasileiros que investigaram a noção de objetividade. (...)
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    Instituto Espírita Natalício de Jesus (1908-1911). [REVIEW]Fausto Henrique Gomes Nogueira - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):226713-226713.
    O presente artigo tem como propósito evidenciar a atuação do Instituto Espírita Natalício de Jesus e dos intelectuais engajados nessa instituição, como Anália Emília Franco, Francisco Antônio Bastos e João de Camargo Penteado, no âmbito do circuito espírita da cidade de São Paulo, no início do século XX; em um momento no qual diferentes associações e intelectuais espíritas concorriam para estabelecer a hegemonia no campo, além de intentar a uniformização das práticas. Essa associação representou um espaço de sociabilidade a (...)
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  14. Facing the Sunrise: Cultural Worldview Underlying Intrinsic-Based Encoding of Absolute Frames of Reference in Aymara.Rafael E. Núñez & Carlos Cornejo - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):965-991.
    The Aymara of the Andes use absolute (cardinal) frames of reference for describing the relative position of ordinary objects. However, rather than encoding them in available absolute lexemes, they do it in lexemes that are intrinsic to the body: nayra (“front”) and qhipa (“back”), denoting east and west, respectively. Why? We use different but complementary ethnographic methods to investigate the nature of this encoding: (a) linguistic expressions and speech–gesture co-production, (b) linguistic patterns in the distinct regional Spanish-based variety Castellano Andino (...)
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  15. Concessive Conditionals Without Even if and Nonconcessive Conditionals with Even if.Gilberto Gomes - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (1):1-21.
    This paper investigates whether 'even if A, B' is pragmatically polysemic, so that a nonconcessive conditional may have 'even if', and whether concessive conditionals, pragmatically defined, can fail to have 'even if' or a non-temporal 'still'. Different paraphrases are used to help elucidate pragmatic meanings. A theory of the pragmatic meanings of concessive and implicative conditionals is presented. The semantic meaning of 'even if' and the question of whether concessive conditionals imply the truth of their consequents are also discussed.
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    As Far as the Eyes can Reach: Complete Analysis in the Intermediate Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler (eds.), Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 23-25.
    Conceptual analysis is one of the notions undergoing dramatic changes during Wittgenstein's intermediate period. There's an aspect of such changes which might prove characteristic of the new directions taken by Wittgenstein's thought after 1929: it is the notion of complete analysis. We believe that Wittgenstein's treatment of this notion is also an interesting indication of new concerns generated by the "new method" itself, in terms of its radical openness to dialogism and its anti-dogmatism. Our aim here will be to explore (...)
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    The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives.Rafael Suter, Lisa Indraccolo & Wolfgang Behr (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The Gongsun Longzi is often considered the only extant work of the Classical Chinese “School of Names”, an early intellectual tradition mainly concerned with logic and the philosophy of language. The Gongsun Longzi is a heterogeneous collection of five chapters that include short treatises and largely fictive dialogues between an anonymous persuader and his opponent, which typically revolve around a paradoxical claim. Its value as a testimony to Early Chinese philosophy, however, is somewhat controversial due to the intricate textual history (...)
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  18. Revisão de Crenças Paraconsistente baseada em um operador formal de consistência.Rafael Testa - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Campinas
    A Revisão de Crenças estuda como agentes racionais mudam suas crenças ao receberem novas informações. O sistema AGM, trabalho mais influente desta área apresentado por Alchourrón, Gärdenfos e Makinson, postula critérios de racionalidade para os diferentes tipos de mudança de crenças e oferece construções explícitas para tais - a equivalência entre os postulados e operações é chamado de teroema da representação. Trabalhos recentes mostram como o paradigma AGM pode ser compatível com diferentes lógicas não-clássicas, o que é chamado de AGM-compatibilidade (...)
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    Moral Enhancement Should Target Self-Interest and Cognitive Capacity.Rafael Ahlskog - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (3):363-373.
    Current suggestions for capacities that should be targeted for moral enhancement has centered on traits like empathy, fairness or aggression. The literature, however, lacks a proper model for understanding the interplay and complexity of moral capacities, which limits the practicability of proposed interventions. In this paper, I integrate some existing knowledge on the nature of human moral behavior and present a formal model of prosocial motivation. The model provides two important results regarding the most friction-free route to moral enhancement. First, (...)
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    Exploring the relation between literary works and reader reception.Rafael Carneiro Rocha - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (2).
    How can we, perspicuously, explain the relation between a literary text and its interpretation by a reader in a way that supports the hypothesis that literature matters for moral reflection? In this article, based on a critical examination of some anglophone authors, who are more or less engaged in investigations related to the analytic philosophy of language, and who address the relation between philosophy and literature, we propose a distinction between two types of relations: the relation between the literary work (...)
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  21. The cost of consistency: information economy in Paraconsistent Belief Revision.Rafael Testa - 2015 - South American Journal of Logic 1 (2):461-480.
    By Belief Revision it is understood a system that logically explains the rational process of changing beliefs by taking into account a new piece of information. The most influential approach in this field of study, the AGM system, proposed by Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson, postulates rationality criteria for different types of belief change. In this paper I shall assess the relationship between those criteria and argue for an opposition between the principles of Information Economy and Consistency. Furthermore, I shall argue (...)
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    Palmquist, Stephen R., ed., Kant on Intuition: Western and Asian Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism.Rafael Suter - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (4):727-733.
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    Πολέμου καὶ μάχης... (Gorg. 447a1 ss.): Guerra y virilidad en la caracterización de Calicles en el Gorgias de Platón.Rafael Moreno González - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):7-24.
    Las palabras iniciales del Gorgias son una pista importante para comprender la caracterización literaria y filosófica del personaje Calicles dentro del diálogo platónico. Así, que Platón colocara en boca de Calicles un saludo donde se mencionan explícitamente la guerra y el enfrentamiento muestra lo importante que estas actividades son para este personaje. El resto del diálogo sirve para desarrollar este aspecto del alma de Calicles, quien, tanto en sus intervenciones como en su accionar en la conversación, deja clara su defensa (...)
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    CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector.Lilian Wanderley, Rafael Lucian, Francisca Farache & José Sousa Filho - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):369-378.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a much-discussed subject in the business world. The Internet has become one of the main tools for CSR information disclosure, allowing companies to publicise more information less expensively and faster than ever before. As a result, corporations are increasingly concerned with communicating ethically and responsibly to the diversity of stakeholders through the web. This paper addresses the main question as whether CSR information disclosure on corporate websites is influenced by country of origin and/or industry (...)
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  25. Melody and metaphorical movement.Rafael De Clercq - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):156-168.
    In recent issues of this journal, Roger Scruton and Malcolm Budd have debated the question whether hearing a melody in a sequence of sounds necessarily involves an ‘unasserted thought’ about spatial movement. According to Scruton, the answer is ‘yes’; according to Budd, the answer is ‘no’. The conclusion of this paper is that, while Budd may have underestimated the viability of Scruton's thesis in one of its possible interpretations, there is no good reason to assume that the thesis is true. (...)
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  26. Buchanan eo Ambiente Coimbrão no século XVI.Domingof Gomes dos Santos - 1963 - Humanitas 15.
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    Back to Parmenides.Henrique Gomes - unknown
    After a brief introduction to issues that plague the realization of a theory of quantum gravity, I suggest that the main one concerns defining superpositions of causal structures. This leads me to a distinction between time and space, to a further degree than that present in the canonical approach to general relativity. With this distinction, one can make sense of superpositions as interference between alternative paths in the relational configuration space of the entire Universe. But the full use of relationalism (...)
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  28. How to construct Remainder Sets for Paraconsistent Revisions: Preliminary Report.Rafael Testa, Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa & Maurício Reis - 2018 - 17th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NON-MONOTONIC REASONING.
    Revision operation is the consistent expansion of a theory by a new belief-representing sentence. We consider that in a paraconsistent setting this desideratum can be accomplished in at least three distinct ways: the output of a revision operation should be either non-trivial or non-contradictory (in general or relative to the new belief). In this paper those distinctions will be explored in the constructive level by showing how the remainder sets could be refined, capturing the key concepts of paraconsistency in a (...)
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    Recensión: Silvia Bara Bancel. Teología mística alemana.Rafael R. Cúnsulo - 2017 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 20 (39):145-148.
    Silvia Bara Bancel, Teología mística alemana. Estudio comparativo del “Libro de la Verdad” de Enrique Suso y la obra del Maestro Eckhart (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, NF 78), Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, ISBN 978-3-402-10289-3.
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    Marco Formal Para El Análisis Estructural de Los Valores En la Ciencia.Valter Alnis Bezerra & Lígia Lopes Gomes - 2021 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 12 (1):19-30.
    Se presenta un marco de referencia formal para describir y analizar los valores en la ciencia desde un punto de vista estructuralista. La noción de perspectiva de valor del Modelo de Interacción entre Ciencia y Valores de Lacey y Mariconda resulta útil como un punto de partida en sentido general, aunque la estructura de una perspectiva de valor se entiende aquí bajo una luz mucho más formal y “microscópica”. El referencial es desarrollado poco a poco, desde la noción general de (...)
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    The overt argument against conceptualism in the Parmenides and the covert argument for conceptualism in the Sophist (with a particular focus on the being of not-being).Rafael Ferber - 2024 - In .
    This contribution begins by analysing the argument against conceptualism in the Parmenides and then extends it to “the not-being” (to mê on) in the Sophist, or that which “is what is not” (258c2-3). It concludes with the puzzle that, in this case, the being of “the not-being” also has “understanding (nous), life (zôê) and soul (psychê)” (249a9). The main new points are (1) if “the not-being” has understanding (nous), “the not-being” –according to the ontological argument of the Parmenides – also (...)
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    El CNI: al servicio de España y de los ciudadanos.Rafael Jiménez Villalonga - 2005 - Arbor 180 (709):153-181.
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  33. Las competencias sobre el agua en las reformas estatutarias.Rafael Sánchez Camacho - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:58-78.
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    Brave spaces in nursing ethics education: Courage through pedagogy.Natalie Jean Ford, Larissa Marie Gomes & Stephen B. R. E. Brown - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (1):101-113.
    Background Nursing students must graduate prepared to bravely enact the art and science of nursing in environments infiltrated with ethical challenges. Given the necessity and moral obligation of nurses to engage in discourse within nursing ethics, nursing students must be provided a moral supportive learning space for these opportunities. Situating conversations and pedagogy within a brave space may offer a framework to engage in civil discourse while fostering moral courage for learners. Research Objective The aim of this research is to (...)
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  35. Dilemas deônticos e escolha: considerações pragmáticas.Rafael Testa - 2009 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia 232:231-246.
    Neste artigo fazemos uma discussão conceitual acerca da ferramenta de escolha por nós apresentada no trabalho “Solving Normative Conflicts using Preference Relations”, isto é, explicitamos a racionalidade subjacente a tal ferramenta, bem como as consequências práticas de sua aceitação.
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    Robert Bartlett, The Middle Ages and the Movies: Eight Key Films (London, 2022).Vítor Guerreiro & Joana Matos Gomes - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (2):125-129.
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    A Bibliometric Study on Academic Dishonesty Research.Tânia Marques, Nuno Reis & Jorge Gomes - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (2):169-191.
    Educational policy and social sciences researchers have been studying dishonest behaviors among students for a long time. In this bibliometric study we examine the extant literature on academic dishonesty until 2017. We also analyze the specific case of the literature on plagiarism since it is arguably one of the most common academic dishonest behavior. We aim at identifying the intellectual structure of the field of academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Results show that Donald L. McCabe and Richard L. Marsh appear as (...)
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    Apontamentos metodológicos acerca da canção popular: aproximações aos estudos musicais da Estética de Lukács.José Deribaldo Gomes dos Santos - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (2):69-84.
    The present essay, of theoretical bibliographical nature, debates some fundamentals of the methodology employed in the analysis of Brazilian urban songs. The approach to the scarce debate involving an investigative method for folk songs relies on the chapter 14 of George Lukács’ Aesthetics. In particular, considering the aims of this essay, the item dedicated to music. Authors who investigate the particular scope of Brazilian urban folk song were consulted to approximate the specific elements of that music. The findings suggest that (...)
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    Πάντα πράττειν. SOCRATE E IL BENE NELLA REPUBBLICA.Rafael Ferber - 2010 - Méthexis 23 (1):91-102.
    In this I draw attention to the strangeness (atopia) that Plato’s Republic has not only for Plato’s contemporaries, but also for us. This strangeness for us consists of the fact that Plato’s Republic does not allow for a plurality of philosophical opinions, but enforces one true philosophy (philosophia alêthê) or one conception of the Good to all citizens. The platonic Republic describes not only a state, but also a kind of pre-Christian church. Second, I emphasize that the Socratic principle in (...)
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    Internet para escépticos. ¿Erosiona la Red el Estado de derecho?Rafael Rodríguez Prieto - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
    El desarrollo de internet en los últimos años ha sido espectacular. Con la explosión del internet de las cosas (IoT) el procesamiento de datos incrementa su complejidad, pero también sus beneficios. No obstante, en la última década han surgido periódicamente noticias que nos muestran una serie de efectos de esta tecnología, alejados de la visión casi mítica que siempre ha tenido y que pudiera afectar a elementos básicos de nuestra democracia. En este trabajo se señalan tres de los principales retos (...)
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    ""El" pur amour" y los infiernos de la razón.Rafael Alvira - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (1):9-21.
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    O uso da narrativa no discurso teológico contempor'neo.Renato Gomes Alves - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):339-346.
    The contemporary theological discourse is still understood as something restricted to the ecclesiastical and clerical ambit. Nevertheless, the theologian's task to use new languages to reach new fields and ease the dialogue still remains. It is observed as even more complex in a plural scene as the present days. For this reason, the narrative, as a theological language, presents a reading key to Christology, used by the contemporary french theologian, Joseph Moingt. Through this key, it is supposed to give a (...)
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    A geometrica do tempo em Hannah Arendt.Margarida Gomes Amaral - 2012 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    From Psychoanalysis to Cultural Trauma: Narrating Legacies of Collective Suffering.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (4):370-385.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to offer both an interpretation and a critique of the epistemological foundations underlying one of the most recent approaches to trauma studies: cultural trauma theory. After the First World War, the founding father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, inquired into whether his diagnostic of “traumatic neurosis” could shed light on how collectives deal with unsettling experiences and memories. Throughout the intervening decades, Freud´s insights into collective trauma have attracted the interest of scholars from various disciplines within the (...)
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    O individualismo como estratégia de cuidado de si na sociedade de consumo.Rafael Silva Bianchi - 2011 - Cadernos Zygmunt Bauman - Issn 2236-4099 1 (1):20 - 33.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a relação entre a construção de uma postura individualista como estratégia de cuidado de si dentro do contexto atual em que vivemos. Para tanto é realizado uma reflexão a partir da idéia de “sociedade de consumidores” trazida por Zygmunt Bauman, buscando construir uma relação desta com diferentes campos de atuação do sujeito humano. O que encontramos é uma postura que busca defender o indivíduo de possíveis riscos, sendo o outro, seu principal alvo de controle. (...)
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  46. O reconhecimento da família anaparental como entidade familiar estável E sua consequente legitimidade para pleitear adoção, à Luz da jurisprudência do stf.Patrícia Kellis Gomes Borges - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    El pensamiento de Leonardo Polo.Rafael Corazón - 2011 - Madrid: Rialp.
    El conocido pensador refuta la antropología moderna y brinda argumentos aún más profundos.
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  48. Doação de sêmen e classificação étnico-racial no Brasil.Rosely Gomes Costa - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão (eds.), Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Penelope.David Gomes Cásseres - 2015 - Arion 22 (3):35.
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    Ocio y recreación en América Latina: conceptos, abordajes y posibilidades de resignificación.Rodrigo Elizalde & Christianne Gomes - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 26.
    This article was compiled from a bibliographic review and aims to: analyze what a concept is; present the two main approaches by which leisure and recreation are understood in Latin America, expanding thus the possibilities for new meanings to these concepts; and discuss the alternatives that these concepts -from a new perspective- can provide to the construction of participative, solidary and sustainable societies. In conclusion, it's emphasized that most of the concepts of leisure and recreation widespread in Latin America , (...)
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